Running For Israel

Join Team Running for Israel

If you are interested in helping out the Running for Israel team, please email  We're looking for people to assist us in the following areas:

Are you interested in running the Chicago Marathon or do you know someone who is?

  • Start as a group on the starting line
  • Wear a "Running for Israel" T-shirt
  • Receive a complementary gift bag
  • Team-member donation of $36
  • Raise $1000.00 from friends and family and we will support you with a pledge sheet.

As a Supporter or Volunteer.

  1. Fundraise
    1. Raise money. Solicit friends, family, etc. phone calls and emails for pledges.  Is there someone you know who you think we should call?  Can we use your name?
    2. We are looking for a corporate partner.  Do you know who we could contact at your company you work for or other companies that might be interested in donating to Running for Israel ?  Can we use your name?
  2. Find runners  who will fulfill above conditions and join Rabbi Ertel.
  3. PR:  Get word out.  Phone calls, emails, hang up flyers, etc.
  4. Lend a hand with numerous fund raising events leading up to race day. (dates to be announced).
  5. Support Team: Stand on the sidelines, make banners, help with race day logistics.  We need an endless amount of people on race day to be positioned at each mile along the racecourse.  You will be wearing a Running for Israel T-shirt and waving flags, banners and signs and cheering Rabbi Ertel and the other runners on to the finish line.
  6. Cross promote fund raising effort for Running for Israel with existing events.  Is there an event at your synagogue or in your neighborhood we should be handing flyers out?  Do you or someone you know own a small business where we can hang our poster?